Popular among guitar manufactures is to add models based on guitars used by your favorite artists. Almost every major manufacturer makes them for a host of artists from every genre of guitar-based music. You will find signature models for Eddie Van Halen – EVH, Paul Gilbert – Ibanez, Carlos Santa – PRS, Slash – Gibson and Epiphone, and the list goes on and on.
Almost everyone that plays guitar has personalized their guitar. Whether it be changing the pickups, replacing knobs, adding decals or just removing the pickguard. Why not have your very own signature model guitar? Philadelphia Luthier Tools & Supplies can now engrave your signature on a truss rod cover. We are not using a special script font to simulate a signature, but your actual signature.
To make a truss rod cover with your signature on it you will need to provide us with a copy of your signature. On each product page you will find a downloadable PDF with an outline of your truss rod cover and instructions. The PDF will contain two truss rod cover outlines. We suggest that you sign your name twice and circle the example you prefer. Make sure you use consistent pressure so the line thickness is even throughout. Try to keep your signature within the double lines. We will try to replicate your truss rod cover to look like your example. If you sign your name at an angle it will be engraved that way. Try to be creative with your signature…the more stylized the better.

Once your order is received we will convert your signature into a vector for engraving. This is the most time consuming part of making the truss rod cover. It requires us to manually tracing your signature for engraving. Variation in line thickness will not be engraved.

When purchasing the truss rod cover you will get an opportunity to enter special instructions. You could ask us to fix small errors, center the signature, enlarge, etc. Another option would be to add text along with your signature. For example…You could ask us to add Model using font B below the signature. Any of our standard engraved truss rod cover listings will include a list of available font for engraving. If clarification of the instruction is need, we will contact you before making the truss rod cover.
The engraved “Signature” truss rod covers are located here on our website. If you have any questions about a signature truss rod cover, you can send us an email at support.
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