23. October 2011 · Comments Off on Tracing body, cutting body shape, etc · Categories: Guitar Builds

This is a continuation of our last post. We are only working on the mahogany body and getting close to the final shape.

Thickness plane the body to 1 3/4″ and trace the body outline on the body blank.

Mahogany body blankAfter tracing the outline, I used a band saw to cut out the shape and making sure to leave about 1/16″ – 1/8″ at the edge. This will make routing the final shape a lot easier. Mount the template to the body blank using 2 screws placed where the pickup cavities will be.

Template attached to bodyUsing a router, route the shape with a flush trim bit. Before removing the template you need to transfer the center line to the body blank. Use a square to continue the center line onto the back side. After removing the template also label the top and bottom.  This will help to prevent mistakes later.

Mahogany body cutMahogany Body cutSand the outer edge with a sanding block.  Use sandpaper, wrapped around a 2″ pvc pipe, for the inside curves.

Next we will be routing out the control cavities and the cavity plate recesses.

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